Posts tagged with Journal
Snippets from a Beautiful Week on the West Coast
2022-09-12 23:58:03 UTCThe Ritual of a Wild Night Out 03 Sep 2022 The story of the “wild night out” has a beginning, middle, and end as predictable as the setting of the sun. Yet despite this—or because of it—so many seek it out night and night again. I felt my heart tighten…
Doing Nothing: Reflections on Vacation and Not Doing Much
2021-10-02 12:43:00 UTCI just came back from a week and a half of vacation in Europe. Like many who traveled this summer, it was the first real, trans-continental vacation I have taken in a long, long time. I celebrated this time off by doing Pretty Much Nothing the entire time and now…
It’s 2020
2020-12-20 00:56:00 UTCIt’s January and I wake up from under crumpled bed sheets, still holding hands with the only person I think I know for certain. I am bleary-eyed from dreams of new years and new yous or whatever. It’s February and I get everything I’ve been holding my breath for, except…